Welcome to Second Presbyterian Youth Ministry!

Welcome to the Blog that is entirely dedicated to the youth activities at Second Presbyterian Church! Here you will find the latest information on outings and gatherings, photos, and more. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kate Robertson

This year, being my fourth year on the Pine Ridge reservation had many similarities and differences with the previous three. All four we did the classic, touristy sight seeing with the normal Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Wall Drug, and Badlands. One of the biggest differences and my favorite was the time we got to spend with the homeowner and family. This year we worked on Willard and Rachel's house, they have two sons, and Auntie Katherine who comes to visit frequently. This family will hold a special place in my heart due to their hospitality and their willingness to open up and share all that they had with us, whether it was sharing stories about the Lakota culture, or sharing homemade Elk Jerky. Rachel and Katherine would sit with a few of the girls and give us life advice and how they had grown up, Willard then also showed us around his property (which touched the Badlands). Willard also shared an experience with part of our group that is unforgettable. He took the group to his sweat lodge, and put the group through an "educational sweat" that showed the group a large part of Lakota traditions. Some of the girls were not supposed to go in, or chose to opt out due to our feminine strength and having been told a few stories that put a little fear in us. Through this experience we learned more about their beliefs as well and how although we may not believe in the exact same things, we have very similar views and how they are widely open to each other's personal beliefs. They compared their views frequently to our views which showed their respect. This was by far one of my favorite parts of the trip just getting to look up to them and learn more about the Lakota culture. I would like to thank everyone who had a part in allowing this trip to take place and allowing for me to go back to a place that I love! It was such an incredible trip, and such a great way to end my senior year!


  1. This is an incredible testimony to the dedication that these youths have and their willingness to share and help others! These are powers that they will have with them for the rest of their lives!!! Thank goodness!!!

  2. I am priviledged to know many of these girls and they do try to do their part of making the world a better place!
