Welcome to Second Presbyterian Youth Ministry!

Welcome to the Blog that is entirely dedicated to the youth activities at Second Presbyterian Church! Here you will find the latest information on outings and gatherings, photos, and more. Enjoy!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sunday, June 15 - The journey to Florida continues

Hello, this is Caroline Nordt and Dylan Entsminger! Today was our second travel day! We woke up bright and early at 7:30am to prepare for our last day of travel before reaching Beth-El. We sleepily re-packed our belongings into the bus and slowly got ready to participate in Sunday School and the Worship service at First Pres. in Savannah, Georgia. But before the Sunday School class we joined in on, we had time to do some group bonding and play some games. The first game is rather hard to describe, it evolves one person going into the middle of a circle and doing a movement and adding a noise to that movement, both have to be copied by another member of the group and then the new person started the process over again. Then we found a more intense game, Chasing Carrots, as we will call it. It was a high energy and very awakening. The Sunday School class we joined was much different from those that we were used to. Instead of the normal lesson, “Today we will learn about....”, it was more open to the ideas of the group and held much group discussion. The Worship service, while it held many similarities, conducted the order of the service in a much different manner. It was also a lighter feeling service. Rather than a strict serious service, the minister was very friendly in what he had to say, interjecting humorous stories into the very confusing topic of the Trinity. Afterwards, we had some time to explore around Savannah. We got to return to a restaurant we had visited last year, Henry’s, filled with brightly colored teal walls and pretty good food! Then we went to the waterfront and had some time to explore. Some groups ventured into the candy shop while others went into souvenir stores and then coffee shops, I mean, c’mon, there was a game on... Then we continued with the long journey filled with many conversations and laughter. Finally, we have arrived at Beth-El. For many of us, it was like returning home. For others, it’s a new place that will be fun to explore and experience. It is definitely different than Virginia. Stay tuned for more! We begin work in the morning.

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