We made it to Kadoka, South Dakota on Sunday just in time to unload and have dinner. The drive was very cool even though we didn't get to stop at two our scheduled visits. At one point we were driving in Iowa and could see Nebraska on the other side of the river!
All of the Second Pres folks have been working at Kids Club the past two days where we play with the kids at a school on the reservation. This morning we also got to visit a nursing home here in Kadoka where Wilson and Bob led the scripture and devotion time, Tyler played the guitar, Sam played the piano, and we all played Bingo with the residents. Several of our guys also led the residents in singing several songs. It was great!
Last night we also went to the famous Wall Drug in Wall, South Dakota where we had a scavenger hunt. We are hoping to hit it again on the way back so we have more time to shop. If you haven't heard of Wall Drug, look it up - it's really something! Tonight we will have a local native speaker talk about his faith and how it has impacted his life here on the Rez. Tomorrow, as long as the weather holds out, we will get to hike in the Badlands. We have driven by part of the Badlands on our way to Kids Club and it is amazing! Also tomorrow, our groups will be sent to work sites where we will paint houses and do small repairs.
We are all having a great time so far, even with the shower system which is at the pool showers in the park across the street, where there are two stalls in each that shoot out REALLY cold water! Internet access is rare and precious here so we may not be able to add photos or more updates until Friday, but we will keep trying!